Gingerbread Cupcakes with meringue and almond icing

For the first time I have made the legendary cupcake! I decided to try a recipe - new to me – which reminds me of my study period in Germany. There, during the winter months, you can smell the aroma of spiced breads issuing forth from the bakeries and stalls of the Christmas markets, and wine scented with cloves and cinnamon. And so yesterday my house smelt of spices and vanilla, making my mouth water! Freshly baked cupcakes were covered by a soft and creamy icing and sprinkled with chopped almonds. Nothing goes better with these little cupcakes than a hot berry fruit tea! Are you ready to bring these tasty treats to your afternoon tea, or to enjoy with friends after a nice dinner? They are perfect during the winter months, and especially at season. Let's start the party!


  • butter 60 grams Soft
  • Flour 100 grams
  • sugar 60 grams
  • egg 1 unit
  • yeast 4 grams
  • cloves ¼ tsp cloves
  • cinnamon ¼ tsp cinnamon
  • nutmeg ¼ tsp nutmeg
  • ginger ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • egg whites 1 unit
  • sugar 60 grams
  • butter 60 grams At room temperature
  • salt A pinch of salt
  • almonds 3 tablespoons of chopped almonds
30 minutes Total time
12 minutes Active time
Serves 6 persons
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Preheat the oven to 170°C. Beat the butter and sugar into a cream; add the egg and beat in well. Mix the flour with the baking powder and spices and fold into the beaten mixture, mixing well. Then transfer a tablespoon of the mixture into each paper baking cup which have been placed in the moulds of a muffin tin. Bake for about 12-15 minutes, remove from the oven and let the cupcakes cool. Meanwhile, prepare the icing by combining the egg whites, sugar and salt in a metal bowl. Place the bowl over a pan with gently simmering water and constantly stir with a whisk until all the sugar has melted and the mixture is warm to the touch. Remove the bowl from the heat and beat the mixture with a whisk, gradually increasing the speed, until it forms firm ridges on the surface. Continue beating until the mixture is glossy and the outer surface of the bowl is completely cool, about 6-10 minutes. Continue beating with the whisk while gradually adding the diced butter and vanilla essence until the mixture is smooth and creamy. Take a pastry bag with a small nozzle (0.5 cm) in a star shape, and decorate with the icing and chopped almonds.

The best accompaniment for your gingerbread cupcakes with meringue and almond icing, especially during Christmas, is a lovely mulled wine.
The recipe for gingerbread cupcakes is clearly of Anglo-Saxon origin and is so named due to the fact that these cakes used to be made using ingredients measured by the cup.

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