Coconut biscuits

Are there any of you out there who haven’t tried at least once to make coconut biscuits? The recipe from our chef today is quite foolproof, really tasty and gives off an irresistibly exotic aroma which will permeate the entire house! There only remains to get hold of plenty of good quality ingredients and then watch as these biscuits disappear in no time! Coconut biscuits are enjoyed by most people, both adults and children, are ideal for breakfast, as a snack, and simply to have on hand when you’re peckish. They’re good to make at any time of the year, summer or winter, perhaps even for Christmas, and can act as an interesting variation on the normal biscuits which you give away as presents. Let's see how to make them: following our recipe will be very easy thanks to the ‘classic’ recipe description, the photo gallery, and the video showing each step of the process.


20 minutes Total time
10 minutes Active time
Serves 6 persons
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Mix the normal flour with the coconut flour, baking powder and then the diced butter as if you were making a shortcrust pastry. Add the sugar once the butter has broken down a bit. Finally, add the eggs and mix together until you have a smooth paste. Shape the dough into balls and coat in flour so they don’t stick together. Arrange the balls on a baking sheet and bake at 220°C for 10 minutes. Take the biscuits out of the oven and wait for them to cool. Once cooled serve with a sprinkling of cocoa powder and a pinch of coconut flour.

Coconut biscuits can be filled in various ways, for example with milk or dark chocolate, or with a berry mousse on the side, or just with a cup of tea or hot chocolate.
Coconut is available from markets all year round, but when you buy them you need to be careful that there is liquid inside, so just shake it a little to hear. Before they’re cut open they’ll keep for two weeks at room temperature, but once opened they should be eaten or kept in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks.

Step by step

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