Chicken with cream and walnuts

White meat is considered by many experts to be healthier than red meat, and, if prepared with a little imagination and skill, it is also very enjoyable despite the preconception that white meat is a little less inviting and flavourful. So today we want to give you the chance to make just such a meal for your guests, and one which will definitely not leave you feeling dissatisfied. Chicken breast with cream and nuts is our solution, and it certainly does not compromise on taste. Are you ready to show off your culinary skills by creating a light and delicate dish which does not skimp on flavour, thereby amazing your guests with your culinary imagination? Follow our recipe step-by-step and get ready to lick your chops!


10 minutes Total time
10 minutes Active time
Serves 2 persons
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Salt the chicken breasts. Melt some butter in a pan and brown the chicken on both sides. Cut thin slices of raclette cheese and place them on one side of the chicken. Melt. Once the cheese has melted, add the cream to the pan along with a pinch of salt. Grate some walnut onto the chicken, finish cooking and serve.

Chicken breast meat is a light and healthy, rich in proteins: if you prefer not to make it heavier with butter while cooking, use olive oil instead.
Walnuts, in ancient times, were considered to be rather indigestible and therefore kept only for animals; more recently it is their important function in protecting against bad cholesterol which has been emphasised.

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